Healthy eating tips for your motorhome hire road trip

October 14, 2020

Out on the road in your motorhome hire? Read on for our healthy eating tips!

There’s no reason why eating has to be unhealthy or cost you anymore than you are used to. In fact, you’ll probably find the whole experience far more enjoyable than the usual cooking at home! We have put together some healthy eating tips you can follow for your road trip.

motorhome hire, BBQ cooking, road trip

It will depend on what type of motorhome you are hiring. Our campervans and motorhomes that have onboard toilet and showers come with a well-equipped kitchen. They’ll have equipment such as gas hobs, electric grills, microwaves, fridge and freezers and some even have built in BBQ’s!

The campervans and 4WD’s without onboard toilet and showers still have cooking facilities of some kind. Some are not as extensive as the others. This does mean though, that regardless of what motorhome you are hiring, you’ll get the option of preparing proper food while you are out on the road.

And don’t forget the best bit, and what we reckon is the most fun part of camping. Building your own campfire! There is nothing better than a crackling fire to seal the end of a fabulous day of exploring. However, it also serves as an oven. It’s great for baking potatoes, cooking sweetcorn ears and roasting marshmallows! Well it doesn’t all have to be healthy!

campfire cooking, motorhome hire

Our top tip!

Our top tips for healthy eating tips motorhome hire road trip is easy! Pop along to a supermarket soon after you have collected your motorhome hire and stock up your cupboards with the basics. This means you can buy pretty much what you would normally buy at home. Just be mindful that there is a little less storage space and the fridge will be smaller than you are used to at home. But with a little planning, you’ll find you can get everything you need to fit.

If you are travelling with children, it’s a great idea to think about some healthy snacks for on the go. Especially if you are going to be covering some time on the road in a day, you might want to keep the sticky sweet treats when they are able to run around and burn off the sugar rush!

While stocking up is a good idea with the basics, also considering special dietary requirements, we also recommend supporting country towns along your travels.  Many communities rely on travellers such as yourself. If you can, try and purchase groceries or fill up your motorhome hire with fuel in these more rural locations.

So, what can you expect from cooking in your motorhome hire?

The kitchen space will be more compact than you are used. But one of the secrets to good eating on the road is simplicity and preparation. As we have suggested already, a little preparation can go a long way to ensuring you are eating well for the duration of your trip if that is what you fancy doing.

motorhome hire kitchen, cooking, healthy eating

In particular if you are travelling as a family, it’s a great idea to plan your meals! What many of us do here in the office when we are out on a road trip is to print off a calendar. We make a note of the days we are going to be out on the road and figure out a simple meal plan for each day we are away from home.

You might want to think about a kick-off dinner for your first night on the road. Perhaps you are away over mother’s day or father’s day and want to have a special celebratory breakfast brunch. Or maybe you are planning some freedom camping and you know you will have a campfire that night (always check if fires are allowed where you are planning on heading before you travel). By having a rough idea on a calendar, it will really help plan out some of those meals!

There is really nothing that compares to the flexibility and ease of a motorhome holiday. The ability to access some of Australia’s most prime travel spots, prepare a quick lunch while on the road, and relax under the open starry night skies. 

Picture this…

Imagine that you are driving along the South Coast Highway in Western Australia. In the distance, you see a pod of whales breaching just off the coast. STOP THE MOTORHOME! Find a safe spot to park up, make yourself a cuppa and lunch and set yourself up to sit back and enjoy the show! 

Your free, ringside view of the show will pale in comparison to eating at snazzy beachside restaurants for lunch!

motorhome hire, freedom camping, healthy eating

You’ll find a motorhome holiday so simple and easy going. It’s the perfect recipe for a holiday to remember. Don’t just take our word for it, give it a try!

If we have tantalised your tastebuds for a road trip and you are thinking about a motorhome hire for your next holiday adventure, then get in touch with us. We’ll work with you in finding you the right motorhome for your holiday. There’s every shape and size available to suit everyone’s budget!       

You can read more about Healthy Eating Tips here if you are keen on finding out more information.      

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